HomeBlogBarbra Streisand: An Iconic Advocate for Democracy

Barbra Streisand: An Iconic Advocate for Democracy

Barbra Streisand, the renowned vocalist and performer, is no newcomer to debate. Even at 81 years old, she continues to employ her commanding voice to speak up against what she views as a challenge to democracy.

Streisand’s recent focus is on former President Donald Trump, and she has been explicit that she would not back him if he were to win the presidential election again in 2024.

Streisand’s Disfavor towards Trump

Streisand has been a devoted Democratic advocate and financier, never hesitant to voice her displeasure for Trump. She has branded Trump as “unintelligent” and “uninformed,” and labeled him as “the Liar in Chief, the Groper in Chief.”

In a current conversation with Stephen Colbert, she straightforwardly stated, “I cannot reside in this nation if he were to become president.”

Nevertheless, this is not the initial instance Streisand has made such a daring declaration. Similar to several other famous figures, she vowed to leave the United States following Trump’s triumph in 2016. At the time, she said, “America was exceptional – before your election.”

Expressing Displeasure Through Music

Streisand’s disappointment with Trump motivated her to release her 36th album, “Walls,” in 2018. This musical gem acknowledges Trump’s authoritarianism, with compelling tracks such as “Don’t Lie to Me.”

Streisand claims the incessant barrage of news and misinformation made her unwell, compelling her to channel her rage through her music. She fervently believes that the nation should not be deceived and opposes deceit.

Artists as the Moral Compass of a Nation

In her memoir, “My Name is Barbra,” Streisand examines the tension between politicians and artists.

She contends that artists act as a nation’s moral compass, compelling society to confront harsh realities. Streisand boldly states, “That’s why art is the adversary of tyrants and dictators.”

Remaining and Advocating for Transformation

Regrettably, Streisand’s influential voice fell short in persuading voters in 2016. Following Trump’s victory, artists like Streisand faced a tough decision: should they depart the country or remain and resist?

Some individuals, such as comedian George Lopez and talk show host Jon Stewart, made light-hearted remarks about leaving for other countries or even planets. Others, like Chelsea Handler, acknowledged that their platforms and opinions were more vital than ever in a fractured nation.

Finding Optimism in President Joe Biden

After four years of darkness, Streisand discovers hope in President Joe Biden. She admires his compassion, integrity, and honesty and believes the nation is on the correct path. Nonetheless, she remains concerned about the forthcoming elections and Trump’s prospective return to authority. Streisand is determined not to reside in a country governed by a man she deems as “so unintelligent” and “so misinformed.”

A Fresh America: Reinstating the Dignity of Truth

Ultimately, Streisand envisions a fresh America, liberated from contamination, vulgarity, insults, and reprisal. She advocates for the revival of the dignity of truth, convinced that only then will America genuinely be great again.

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