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What are the advantages of placing your mobile face down on the table?

Having your mobile face down on the table or facing up may not appear crucial, yet it indeed impacts both the device and the user. Opting to position your mobile face down when not in use provides the following perks:

1. Averts dust and liquid from adhering to the display

Usually, positioning the display facing upwards will lead to dirt adhering to and making contact with the screen. In the process of cleaning, significant dust particles can inadvertently scratch the screen or tempered glass.

Moreover, instances of accidental spillage or food remnants adhering to the screen may occur frequently. This scenario can adversely impact the phone screen display.

Hence, to mitigate these issues, it is advisable to place the display face down when not in use. This is a beneficial strategy to reduce unfavorable elements affecting the device.

2. Safeguards the camera from abrasions

Today, most rear camera lenses protrude more than the phone’s back, like on the iPhone 14 Pro Max. With the phone screen facing upwards, the camera cluster will be in contact with the table surface, potentially leading to scratches on the camera lens. This significantly impacts the user’s photography experience, as scratched lenses reduce photo quality.

Concerns may arise among users regarding potential scratches on the phone screen when positioned face down. Presently, all smartphone models come equipped with anti-scratch or tempered glass protection to shield the screen from scratches and impacts. Therefore, fretting about screen scratching when placing the phone down is unnecessary. Yet if the screen does get scratched, replacing the protective film is required to resume normal device usage. Conversely, repairing camera scratches is more challenging as it directly affects the glass.

Thus, resting the phone face down on the table remains the optimal method to safeguard the device. Nevertheless, prior to placing the phone down, it is advisable to assess the table’s surface to ensure it won’t harm the phone screen.

3. Safeguarding user confidentiality

Positioning the authentic phone face up exposes incoming notifications on the screen, risking disclosure of details to bystanders. This compromise user privacy significantly.

Moreover, sensitive information or messages from financial institutions displayed on the screen can create discomfort when viewed by others. Therefore, flipping the phone face down protects the user’s privacy to a greater extent.

4. Enhance focus

Notifications popping up on the phone screen may distract and divert your attention from ongoing tasks. While notifications assist in keeping users informed promptly, focusing deeply on work necessitates placing the phone face down or deactivating the notification feature and silencing the device.

Evidently, leaving your mobile face down on the table when idle yields more advantages than initially presumed. Another point to note is that when stowing the phone in your pocket, placing it face down minimizes potential collisions with metal or corners that could damage the screen and avoids contact with heated batteries that may cause skin burns.

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