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Understanding the 5 Key Reasons for Frequent Nighttime Wake up and Difficulty Falling Asleep

Getting a good night sleep is vital for proper bodily functioning. As stated by the School of Public Health, “rest is crucial to every process in the body, influencing our physical and mental performance the following day, our capacity to combat illnesses and develop immunity, and our metabolism and risk of chronic diseases. Sleep truly intersects with each dimension of well-being.”


Lack of sleep, however, happens more frequently than we realize. Numerous individuals encounter difficulties falling asleep, a condition identified as a sleep disorder or insomnia.

What exactly disrupts our sleep?

Primarily, it is surely the tension associated with our day-to-day existence.

We devote about one-third of our lifespan sleeping and we should make every effort not to disrupt our slumber pattern.

The rest is instigated by the hormone melatonin, the principal sleep hormone produced internally by the body. Since the body internally generates melatonin, it is crucial to aid the body in this process naturally.

What we must consider is that typically melatonin is synthesized around 9 p.m. because the brain communicates to the body that it is nighttime and time for a restful sleep.

On occasions, we hinder this procedure by exposing ourselves to bright lights during the nighttime, for instance, utilizing our phones just before retiring to bed.

Through absorbing these lights, we deceive the brain into assuming it is still daylight. By dimming the lights and sidestepping intense white (or blue, or green) lights during the night, we remind our body to settle down.

Taking melatonin supplements sends a signal to the brain that the body has already generated the hormone, consequently, further production is inhibited.


In the long haul, this could become problematic because the more supplements we consume, the less the body produces, eventually leading to challenges in generating adequate melatonin for a restful sleep. In other words, overreliance on melatonin supplements can result.

Instead of resorting to supplements amidst sleep-related issues, opt for natural ingredients such as herbs, flowers, or other calming resources like magnesium. Nonetheless, this does not mean that we should entirely shun supplements, as they can serve a purpose if used with care.

For instance, melatonin supplements can prove valuable when journeying and altering time zones.

Certain food items naturally contain melatonin, and their consumption could improve our sleeping patterns. Among these are pistachios, sour cherries, fatty fish, rice, goji berries, oats, and mushrooms.

Rising multiple times in the middle of the night to visit the restroom is another cause of sleep disruption.

To altogether prevent or at least diminish this, restrict liquid intake before bedtime.

Caffeine and alcoholic beverages, especially in substantial quantities, can impact sleep.

Avoiding coffee consumption after 2 p.m. is advisable since caffeine lingers in our system, keeping us awake. Conversely, alcohol is perceived to hasten sleep onset, yet it notably affects our REM sleep, resulting in recurrent awakenings during the night.

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